Kiverco KDS 1500

Kiverco KDS 1500


WheeledElectric Control panel 5.5kW Conveyor Conveyor 1.5M Wide x 3.3M Long EP300 3 Ply accelerator belt c/w Impact plates, disc return rollers and a belt speed of 1.4m/sec Full vertical and horizontal accelerator conveyor adjustments 2 x 11kW Fan blowers with variable speed to deliver max separation across the whole conveyor width Each fan can be independently controlled for both speed and nozzle angle, to enable splitting the belt into two fractions Twin recirculation air fan system operates in a closed loop format to create negative pressure and aid separation and minimise dust Fixed Speed 2.2kW Drum 1.5M wide separator drum to aid separation 0.7kW Bi-directional ‘heavies’ collection conveyor 0.65M wide x 1.7M long, plain belt – EP300 3 Ply with belt speed 0.5m/sec Heavy materials can be conveyed to either side of The machine for flexibility 2.2kW ‘heavies’ stockpile conveyor 1.0M wide x 5M long – 15mm Chevron belt EP300 3ply with Belt speed 0.6m/sec


ModelKDS 1500
Stock NumberOY059